Monday, 8 December 2014

The one crucial characteristic of the ideal vibration machine

The best vibration machine is the one that’s able to help you achieve your health and fitness goals, and that keeps you motivated to exercise, in the long-run. There are lots of companies out there who claim that theirs is the ideal vibration machine, but in order for such a device to really provide significant results, a couple of technical characteristics have to be present. 

We’ll start with the gravitational force, as this is the most important parameter for a WBV platform, and it’s been proven by numerous studies that the best vibration machine workouts are the ones that are performed at a G-force of at least 5G. 

This value may not seem like a lot but if you understand what G-force is, you’ll quickly realize that in fact 5G is a big load for your bones, muscles, blood vessels and entire body. 5G means that the machine increases the gravity 5 times when you exercise on it, and it’s the same with wearing a costume that weighs 5 times your body weight. Impressive, right? 

Now the problem is that lots of the machines you’ll find on the market, marketed as the “best vibration machine”, can only provide 1-2 G of gravitational force, and it’s been shown that reducing the value of this force to less than 5G significantly reduces its positive effects. So if you really are willing to invest in the ideal vibration machine, you need to find a device that is able to provide more stimulation.

The importance of G-force

Why is it so important for the gravitational force to be higher? Because the human body, when working against gravity, develops strength, the blood and lymph circulation are activated, bones get stronger and overall the body performs better. When there’s no gravity, like in space for example, or when one spends prolonged periods of time in bed, the organism is strongly affected. 

The lack of gravity leads to loss of bone mass, to muscle loss and weakness, can affect one’s balance, affects circulation and decreases one’s quality of life. So the purpose of the best vibration machine out there should be to increase gravity and provide enough stimulation for a thorough workout, able to counteract the negative impact of sedentariness. 

Since lots of us have sedentary jobs, it’s crucial to expose our body to gravity as often as possible. Ideally, we should exercise more, walk more, spend more time standing instead of sitting, but this is often challenging due to the nature of our jobs. So here’s where a WBV platform comes into play: the ideal vibration machine helps us maintain good health by allowing us to work out in ahypergravity environment for a couple of minutes per day.